Economicology Principles Move into Grand Rapids’ Classrooms

Thanks to The Wege Foundation, the Grand Rapids Public Schools are infusing Peter Wege’s concept of economicology into the curriculum. Wege coined the word economicology to define the balance needed between the economy and the ecology. The word summarizes Wege’s advocacy for educating the public on the reality that a … More Economicology Principles Move into Grand Rapids’ Classrooms »

U of P Biologist Discusses Costa Rica and Species Bar Coding

In late July, 2008, The Wege Foundation invited friends from several West Michigan foundations to meet University of Pennsylvania professor Dr. Dan Janzen and his wife Dr. Winnie Hallwachs Janzen and learn about their conservation work in the Costa Rican rain forest. Since Peter Wege first met the Janzens in … More U of P Biologist Discusses Costa Rica and Species Bar Coding »

Junior Achievement of West Michigan Honors Peter M. Wege

At a black-time banquet in the Amway Grand Hotel, Junior Achievement of West Michigan named Peter M. Wege the winner of the 2008 Edward J. Frey Distinguished Achievement Award. It was Edward J. Frey, a Grand Rapids banker and insurance entrepreneur, who founded the local chapter of Junior Achievement in … More Junior Achievement of West Michigan Honors Peter M. Wege »

ECONOMICOLOGY 2008 CONFERENCE: A Win-Win for Sustainability

“It will take education and leadership from colleges and universities to meet the environmental challenges we face and leave a healthy world for our children and grandchildren. Together, we can do this…” Peter Wege The Wege Foundation’s ninth annual ECONOMICOLOGY meeting of environmental leaders and academicians was held on April … More ECONOMICOLOGY 2008 CONFERENCE: A Win-Win for Sustainability »